I’m not quite sure what was in the water this weekend, but Joey and I actually completed a yard-related project TOGETHER this weekend, and both of us are happy and satisfied with how it came out. Joey values purpose or function over all things, and my bent is usually more towards form or feeling.
This time, ALL of that came together and we transformed the un-used 6-foot-wide strip of shady alleyway on the eastern side of our house into a nicely-landscaped spot that no longer needs to be mowed (function!), which has visual appeal (form) and houses the shade-loving hostas (form AND function). It was a day and a half or so in the making, and turned out to be a great family project.
Here are the before, some during and after shots. Much improved, if I do say so myself 🙂
- Side yard before the project – a field of clover and moistness.
- Landscaping fabric laid out, some edging put in place, to see what it’ll look like.
- Got a bit more of the edging staked down and the fabric pulled taut.
- Staked, filled in, mulched and a bench relocated from the back yard. Ahhh. Satisfying!
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