I got this dog in April of 2004 while doing a satellite installation job at a house in Arkansas. The house was very trashy and full of cats and dogs. All of the dogs were running free in and out of the house except one. This puppy was on a chain because the owner said he kept running away. “I can’t imagine why!?” I thought to myself.
I felt kind of sorry for him and petted him for a minute or so, then the owner said, “You can have him if you want.” At first I hesitated, but then I thought I’d let him off the chain at least and play for awhile. The moment I let him off the chain, he ran to my truck, hopped in, and sat there tall and proud as if he had been waiting all day to go.
- Happy birthdaaaaay!
- Boss
- Here, let me adjust that hat
- I’m sooo drunk!
So I took him home and he quickly became an great dog and and excellent friend. I’m not exactly sure of his birthday, but I regard April as his birthday because that is when I adopted him. So 10 years later, he’s still around and available for scratching any time of day or night.
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