Back I go to El Salvador!
This will be my 2nd trip with Lakewood Church to establish a water well in one of their small towns. What a great experience! This time I was much more relaxed and prepared for anything. But, as we convene at the airport, I learn we’ll be staying at the same hotel and working at a little town not far from where we were stationed last time. So that’s a relief. It will be pretty much the same.
- 6 a.m. meet at IAH
- Team Lakewood!
- Boarding
- Newlyweds
We land in El Salvador and meet up with our hosts from Living Water, as well as another team from America that will be working nearby.
- At the airport
- Loading up the van
- Ready to go!
Hotel Ranchero Estero y Mar
We head off to our hotel Ranchero Estero y Mar, which is right on the beach, so again this will be an awesome! The rooms are air-conditioned and there are several swimming pools and places to sit or swing on a hammock. That same old peacock was roaming around and waking us up each morning (those things are loud!). We’d gather for breakfast in an outdoor restaurant, and then move to another patio for a short morning devotional.
- Arriving at Rancho Estero y Mar
- Ducks by the swamp and sea
- Relaxing in one of the many hammocks
- Dinner outside by the beach
- Late night fun
- More late night fun
- The Alarm Clock.
- Breakfast!
- Good food.
- Getting ready to go.
- Penny at morning devotional
- Devotional
- Let’s go!
- Our morning view
- Jean and me!
- Great way to start the day
- Loading up
- On our way!
Work Work Work
The work begins! For the next 4 days we’d be digging dirt, carrying rocks, laying down pipes, and getting very dirty and sweaty as we dug this water well. A well already existed at the school, but it had dried up! Plus it was only about 30 feet deep. So we were digging much deeper and hoping to tap into clean water. We did exactly that! But not without some headaches. We actually had to stop drilling at one point and start all over. But the second try was a success! Water came gushing out to all the children’s delight (and mine, too, because it was hot and dirty), and finally fresh clean water would be available every day for this community. No more walking or driving miles to get bottles of water.
- Preparation
- carrying rocks
- Break
- Pose!
- Pose again
- Prepping the pipes
- Helping me prepare pipe
- Taking a break
- Work
- Ladies working!
- Work work
- work work work
- work work
- Getting super muddy
- Mud mud mud
- More mud
- Fashion models
- Taking a break with Nohemy
- Lunch!
- Dirty!
- Putting in the plaque
- Superheroes!
- Don’t let go of that
- Fine tuning
- This pump is donated by Lakewood Church and Living Water International. in the name of Jesus.
- Putting on the pump
- Almost done
- Our helpers
- Group pic! Everyone that worked on the well.
Finished! We did it! When the water started spewing like a fountain, kids began gathering around and before long every kid (it seemed) in school was dancing around under the fountain. The ladies on our mission team came over as well and got soaking wet. It was a lot of fun!
- Water!
- Everybody get wet!
- Success!
- Washing off the mud.
The School
During the week, the ladies spent most of their time teaching the kids about hygiene. All of us got to interact with the kids, though, on a daily basis. It was definitely the highlight of the trip getting to see, talk, and interact with the kids in the school each day. They were as equally interested in us and we were in them. Naturally, there were a few stand-outs whom spent a lot of time with one or more of us on the mission team.
- School’s over for today
- The ladies hamming it up
- Teacher and kids
- Selfie!
- Blondes! Unusual sight around here.
- Dressed up for the occasion
- Boy fixing a girl’s braids
The Neighborhood
One day, we took a break from work to walk through the community and meet people and pray with folks if they’d allow. The people of El Salvador were so friendly and welcoming!
- Munchies and water
- Walking through the neighborhood
- Papusas!
- Going to the LW House
- Stopping in town for stuff
- This is what the ladies cook lunch on every single day!
- Cooking lunch for the kids
- Our helper and his daughter
Gone Exploring
One day, I got to break away from the group and go visit some other places. Mike asked for my head to gather some materials at the Living Water House. So off we go, first to visit a well that had just been established a couple of weeks earlier. It was in a neighborhood with lots of gang members, and MS13 gang symbols were on several houses. The gangs, however, didn’t interfere with building a water pump. So we stopped to see if it was still working okay (and it was), then moved on to the big Yellow house where some Living water employees stay sometimes, and where they keep some of their supplies.
- MS-13, Mara Salvatrucha graffiti
- A pump that had been put in the previous week
- Getting supplies at a Living Water House
- Guys getting more supplies
Church by the Sea
We got another nice surprise by going to a little church by the sea. I noticed this church as we were driving to and from the hotel each day, but I didn’t give it much thought. However, on Wednesday, one of the LW team asked if we could drop in for a visit. They said yes, so we did! It was so nice having church on a beach with the waves and sunset in the background. Loved it!
- Gerardo
- Gerardo and Stanley leading worship service
- Stanley and Gerardo
Update: On July 13th, 2016, just 9 months after these photos and video were taken, Gerardo’s life was cut short by a drowning accident. After a day of working, he came back the hotel and decided to go for a swim in the ocean. In that brief moment, the waves took his life. He was just 26 years old and left behind one child (son). 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
San Salvador
Everything went according to schedule – even ahead of schedule – on this trip, so we took Saturday off to go into San Salvador and eat and buy stuff. Pollo Campero!!
- In the van. On the road. Again.
- Happy birthday!
- Pollo Campero
- At the overlook in San Salvador
- Art at the market
- Selfie with San Salvador
Adios, El Salvador!
Finally, on Sunday morning, we got up early (early early) and made our way to the airport. It was interesting that I saw a Salvadoreno guy at the airport wearing a Stryper T-Shirt. I said, “I like your shirt, man.” I’m not sure if he understood, but he nodded and said hola.
We said our goodbyes and made our way back to Houston, Texas! It was a pleasant flight over Guatemala and the Yucatan and ocean. I watched a disaster movie on the plane called “San Andreas”. LOL. Thank you, Penny. 😀
- Saying goodbye at the airport
- Adios, El Salvador!
- Flying over Volcanos
- Flight map. 3 hours and back in Houston!
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