Friends of Holly put on their first annual Urban Homestead tour! They asked we wanted to participate, and we quickly said yes. That meant a stream of people coming into our yard all afternoon, but it was pretty nifty meeting lots of other people who are interested in raising chickens or homesteading. We had about 25 people wander into the yard throughout the day, and just as we thought it was done…. a whole bus load showed up! About 15 people or so stumbled (literally, because some were buzzed/drunk) into our yard and checked out our livestock. I never knew chicken-folk were such party people! lol
chickens everywhere Hand and foot cleaning station Put Up Some Balloons The Tour Host brought a basket full of beer for us to give our guests. LOL Just when we thought it was over, a whole bus load of people showed up! Chickens hide their eggs in the strangest places. This was hidden under a stack of wood Visitors during the tour
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