Off we go on another family tour!
We stopped in Dallas to visit with Chuck & Tina, then on up to Arkansas for a couple of days of food, family, and fun. Ivy seemed to really enjoy playing with her cousins and even shoved one down the stairs (no, not really! But this picture looks like that’s what happened)
We saw the new Star Wars movie on Christmas Day with Jim Gooing and his bunch, then later that night headed back toward Dallas. Nice visit! Good to see everyone. 🙂
- Party!
- Mom
- Brock, Riley, & Ivy
- Brock & Ivy
- Foooood!
- Brother, Sister, and Me
- Jill & Kayanna
- Me & Mom
- Star Wars!
The next day we visit with Holly’s aunt and Uncle Toni and Nabil and their sons and their kids. Once again, Ivy had a great time playing with her cousins.
As we leave, some nasty storms are rolling in and we even drove through some hard rain. Just a couple hours later a big tornado ripped through that area and destroyed many homes. But no damage was done to our relatives or friends in the Dallas area.

Traffic backs up along I-30 (at right) near tornado damaged apartments Sunday, December 27, 2015 in Garland, Texas. Violent storms ripped through the North Texas area late Saturday, spawning tornados that killed 11 people. Motorists at the George H W Bush Turnpike and 1-30 interchange (seen at top right) were killed. Some cars were thrown off an overpass to the highway below. (G.J. McCarthy/The Dallas Morning News)