It is amazing she is 2 1/2 and has never been sick. But I knew the day would come sooner or later. Poor thing has congestion in her chest and a raspy voice. She acts like her batteries are run down too.
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Joey, Holly, and Ivy, and 2 dogs, 3 ferrets, lots of chickens and some fish
It is amazing she is 2 1/2 and has never been sick. But I knew the day would come sooner or later. Poor thing has congestion in her chest and a raspy voice. She acts like her batteries are run down too.
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OK, so character issues are going to get pushed up closer to the top of the list (or at least have the dust blown off of them and get brought back into the light) now. Issue #1 for me: work on conversational skills.
There’s a difference between different modes of communication – written, verbal, visual, etc. – and even within those modes there are different settings and audiences and intended purposes of communication. One thing which I have occasionally confused is “language” and “communication.” Language is a set of tools, but communication… well, that’s a machine. It’s difficult to have a conversation or communication without language skills, but simply HAVING them doesn’t mean you converse or communicate well.
That’s what I’ve been told, and what I can accept having to work on.
I am learning at work, with this new job, that I can write an explanation that is perfectly valid, and absolutely correct, but unless the intended reader is of the same mindset and background, and is wanting the same type of information out of the explanation, it’s worthless. Many times my boss will scratch out what I wrote and comment with “good, but not useful.” So, back to the drawing board… and that’s not an easy thing for me to do, because in my mind I explained something perfectly fine… I just didn’t provide the insight and information needed, for the higher-ups who needed to get a summary of “what’s going on.” It would be like someone asking what’s going on — they want to hear “ah, taking a road trip” but instead I describe the mechanics of driving and explain how far it is until we need to stop for gas. Huh?
So, even though the language skills are clearly there, the means of putting them to use is not as well-developed. (Even J-school grads are susceptible to that flaw!)
The same is true with conversation, and I have the added bonus of crappy hearing… and I hate wearing my hearing aids. So…
I used to take a very adolescent male approach to conversation: sarcasm, shallow topics, fart jokes and the like. That’s decent enough if you are wanting to be seen as relatable by a 14-year-old boy, but that’s not really who I’m looking to connect with in any meaningful ways right now. So, I dropped most of that stuff, but haven’t replaced it with better.
Used to be I’d just take a spaghetti approach — talk and talk and talk and see what sticks as useful:
That’s a good way to kill any conversation, because one-way doesn’t hack it. Good way to bore or give headaches as well.
So, now I’m trying to figure out how to converse more like an adult. That may sound weird, considering I’m 40, but, well… it’s the truth of the matter. Tips are welcome. I’m starting to look around now and see what kinds of resources there are out there.
Proof I have been domesticated. I not only brought plants in for the winter, but I made it look nice too.
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My girl child is finally showing some girl behavior and playing with a doll. This is Maizy. She seems to be okay with being dragged aound by the hair.
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What a nice day! With perfect cool temperatures and sunny skies, Holly, Ivy, Jane, and myself made the 1 hour drive to the Texas Renaissance Festival. This was my second trip to the festival. The first time was in 2008. I didn’t really give much thought to going the first time because I thought it would be just a bunch of Geeks and Dungeon and Dragon freaks playing with swords. But we went and I quickly realized it was pretty darn cool! For a $20 admission you get theme-park sized entertainment and plenty to see and do. My friends Arturo and Raul showed up also. Together we wandered around the festival and ate funnel cakes, rode elephants, tried out a big swingset, and did some bungee jumping. Very nice day!
I have lost over 13 pounds in 5 days. Hooray, right? Well, to listen to me this morning, not ENTIRELY… I’ll explain why.
I have always been inclined towards doing things myself. Even as a kid, I remember Mom telling me that I didn’t need to re-invent the wheel, when taking on something new to me. I would usually roll my eyes internally and tell myself that it’s best to learn things from the ground up, learn how to do it ALL myself, in order to have the best finished product I could — and if that meant not re-using what others had done before, then sobeit.
I had very good grades in high school, and with my second college degree (in accounting — more on that later), I was one B shy of a 4.0 — I took great personal pride (note: not necessarily satisfaction, but pride for sure) in knowing that I rolled in at age 34 and graduated 13th among my peers of a few thousand, for the semester in the whole business school, in what was regarded as one of the toughest degree plans in the college.
Following graduation, I was significantly bummed when the top-tier audit firms took a pass on me, and I landed at “only” the 5th largest. I got over that once work began, and dug in. Marriage followed the first busy season, and then passing the CPA exam – failed the first section the first time (by 2 points — bummed again) and then passed all 4 on the first try through a LOT of digging in and hard work. Then pregnancy by the time I was a senior, and motherhood. Life was busy… and I was stressing, more than usual.
Somewhere in there a few months after having Ivy, a little light went off in my head about a personal trait I’d never considered before: perfectionism.
Here, which one do you think is a perfectionist?
Actually, that’s a trick question. While one may look at a barbie-doll type A and think “Yup, perfectionist!” that may or may not be true. I’d even wager to say that person is NOT a perfectionist. Look at an average joe or someone who even seems kind of slow to get moving on stuff or vaguely lazy, and that’s more likely your pefectionist. The Perfect Person is probably actually more balanced than a perfectionist and probably may not have as much self-pressure to meet lofty goals, as well.
“Huh? That doesn’t make sense!” you say.
Well, perfectionism is an identity issue where reality and expectations are so far apart that reconciling the difference can often lead to self-defeated attitudes, and the idea that “I can’t possibly do it `right’, so why bother even trying?” That’s one way it comes out, and it is definitely something I have and do still struggle with. Another manifestation is that common adage of “If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself!” — or, more basically, “Nobody else will do it the way I believe to be correct.” I do that as well — delegating is not something I do too often, or with much “success” (from my point of view).
So, perfectionism. It’s entirely destination-oriented, rather than trip-oriented. I love road trips. What motivates me to take them has changed over the years, and more recently I’ve forced myself to understand that getting there really IS half the fun. When I was a kid, I used to “plan” family trips to Galveston for some crabbing. Galveston was 75 miles away. Oh how cute, look at the 8 year old reading maps. Except I wasn’t READING maps, I was studying them. I was making sure that *I* knew where every gas station was along I-45, in case we needed it. I was calling to ask Denny’s what time they opened so that we could have breakfast along the way. I was listening to Marine-band radio broadcasts to find out what the waters were doing, when the tides were in and out and what kinds of catches had been made at the Flagship Peahead in the past 2 days.
I wanted to know – know, know, know – before even setting food out the door. I wanted no seashell unturned, no “surprises” upon arrival, to just show up on the beaches and see EXACTLY what I had learned would be there. I wanted it perfect, and I was always disappointed. No matter how much or how hard I planned, something may change. A sibling may be slow getting out of bed, so we were late and missed a good tide. The KFC on the island may be out of the original recipe chicken, which is better for crabbing. The fishing reports might just be off, or there may be a traffic jam, etc. All those variances from the tidy neat little plan I had drawn up spelled one word in my head, when they surfaced: “RUINED.” I made it impossible for me to enjoy the trip, when I was entirely focused on getting to the finish line.
This, at age 8. Ugh.
Over time, this constant disappointment (in myself, in results, in non-cut-and-dried activities) lead me to start thinking “eh, don’t bother.” And that manifest in its own set of bad ways. I started gaining weight in college. My first two years at UT I totally blew off grades and was on the brink of being kicked out. I never dated (fear of rejection, anyone?), I made only safe, comfortable, familiar choices (lack of growth, anyone?) and never strayed far from averages or a certain range of activities and experiences where it’s a pretty safe bet what you can expect to happen. Life became a routine. A rut. Just … easy. But devoid of substance or challenge or growth or anything healthy, really.
This continued for quite awhile. Honestly, until after Ivy was born. I could put on a chirpy, happy, supporting, upbeat face for anyone around me, but if it came to focusing on ME… well, I already “knew” I would disappoint, so I would avoid and deflect and self-efface with tremendous ease. That lead folks to even quit trying with me, and left me scratching my head about why nobody seemed to want to do stuff with me. See the ridiculous cycle? Striving for impossibly-high goals and not being able to appreciate the steps taken go get there lead to pretty low self-esteem.
It wasn’t until Ivy showed up that that began to change, for real.
My job as an auditor was tailor made for perfectionists… except for the issue of deadlines. I got to work with numbers and complex problems (us perfectionists like puzzles — they imply that a problem can be SOLVED and that there’s a SINGLE RIGHT WAY to do it, and that you will KNOW when you see it completed) and even a good amount of people time (the extrovert in me likes that). Personal bonus, I got to travel quite a bit.
My enjoyment of work, though, started to break down after I was promoted to being in a position of “in-charge.” I found that I didn’t trust the less experienced co-workers assigned to audits with me to get the work done correctly. I had excelled the first two busy season, and expected others to, as well. So, I would often “give them a break” thinking they didn’t get it, and then take on the work of fixing their green mistakes myself, so that the end product looked good and was more timely. I was taking on THEIR work on top of my own, and robbing THEM of learning. Bad, bad, bad, bad.
Even as detailed as I am, I do have my saturation points, and after about 3.5 years in auditing, including 1.5 as an in-charge, I was feeling totally wrung out. And starting to hate my job. And resent those around me, including clients. This, of course, affected my performance, which in-turn affected my self-perception (went from a star, to just average, in reviews). All because I couldn’t let others learn their way, I couldn’t delegate… that recording of “if you want it done right…” was playing in my head, and because I’m NOT the superhuman I was striving to be, I could NOT “do it all myself.” I started thinking I would be let go at any time.
Add to this, having a newborn at home and a husband who desperately wanted me to grow and improve, like any normal person would and does. I took that as nothing but criticism and a message of “you’re not good enough.” This, frankly, was depressing. I began wanting to do nothing but sleep when I got home, BUT… as Ivy started developing a personality, I started daydreaming about how to make her life great and provide her with all the foundations and tools she needed to succeed in whatever she was bound for.
That’s when the light went on — for some reason my perfectionism was NOT aimed at her. There was a protective shield around her where I did not feel like I needed to take something she was trying to learn how to do, and do it “right” to show her how it’s done. I was letting her learn on her own — mistakes, bumps, bruises, laughter, learning and all. Once I noticed that I started to wonder why this was different, and with a little searching, I finally found the label of that P word for my outlook.
I can’t tell you what a huge relief this was, to gain that kind of understanding about one’s self. Remember how I said I would deflect on any self-growth? That also meant I was not learning about myself, either. And boy is that one form of suicide — kills growth and evolving and improvement. May as well fall on a sword, so to speak.
So, what’s changed since this realization came upon me? Well, quite a few things.
I no longer take criticism or urges to change as rejection of who I am. I realize they are previews of who I can become.
I will ease up on planning, and GO.
I’ll let others handle the details, and try to hang back in more of an overseer position.
When I screw up, the first thing in my head isn’t always “they think I’m an idiot and I’m going to be fired” (sometimes, but not always).
I don’t feel quite as overwhelmed in general because I am not trying to do it all.
I enjoy the milestones just as much as the destination (even if I never get “THERE”, wherever it is, eventually)
And most recently:
I can celebrate that I’ve lost 13.3 pounds in 5 days, even though the last day I gained half a pound.
If you’d like to see whether you have perfectionist tendencies there are lots of books out there, but the one I picked up was very eye-opening and felt like it was written for me, personally. It’s called “Overcoming Perfectionism; The key to a balanced recovery” by Ann Smith. Also, try taking this online quiz at Discovery Health’s website:
I scored an 81/100, which comes up as “you are bound by the cuffs of perfectionism.” Here is the full description, and most of it fits me to a T:
Perfectionism can be a healthy quality that drives a person to try his/her best and to make the effort to excel. Some people, however, take the strive for perfection too far…and there is a price to pay. Extreme perfectionists are forever dissatisfied; they can never fulfill their own expectations so, in their own eyes, they are always failures. Chronic perfectionism is driven by deep-seated feelings of inferiority and self-hate, and by nature it reinforces a negative self-image. Performing tasks or fulfilling goals becomes intimidating and unpleasant, since the perfectionist knows deep down that the finished product will never meet his/her expectations. So the perfectionist might have problems with procrastination. Perfectionism, then, can become a double-edged sword – the perfectionist is driven by a desire to succeed, as well as a fear of failure which leaves him/her paralyzed.
In all realms, striving for excellence can be beneficial and lead to a fulfilling professional and personal life. Accepting nothing less than excellence, on the other hand, can be emotionally scarring.
According to this test, you are bound by the cuffs of perfectionism. You set impossibly high standards that can never be met; either you impose those expectations on yourself, others, or a combination of the two. You may even believe that others expect you to be perfect. Whatever the case, this tendency is most likely making you suffer needlessly – whether you realize it or not. It’s time that you became aware of your perfectionist side and work on toning it down. While a desire to succeed and strive to reach your full potential can bring you personal fulfillment, you also have to learn when good is ‘good enough’. It’s important that you develop the ability to distinguish between reasonable aspirations or goals and unreasonable demands. When you set unattainable objectives, you are being cruel to yourself and denying yourself the rewards and self-acceptance that you deserve.
I am keenly aware of this now, and still struggle to deal with it, but as any multi-step program will rightly tell you, acknowledging the problem is the first step.
So how about you? Are you a perfectionist also?
Is tired today. Monday’s have become my ‘day off’. Although it is really only a couple hours off. While killing time I came across this little video. This is awesome! Kind of poignant.
Joey got Ivy down for her afternoon nap, and so I am taking advantage of the opportunity, to move the remaining moonflower seedlings into the front yard flowerbeds. These are the ones which were growing in plastic seedling pots.
I don’t think I’ll use the plastic pots again, because it’s a messier transplant, and some of the tiny (but LONG) roots get broken in the process.
Anyhow, they are all now out amongst the planted hydrangeas. I’m curious to see if they do as well as the ones which were moved out front from peat pellets… some of those are now up above the chickenwire (probably 2′ up), which is pretty cool. Even saw a couple that had curled around the fenceposts. Hopefully they will produce a flower or two before winter sets in and they die off.
Anyhow, I can check that off the list. The only indoor seedlings remaining are a sporadic crop of hummingbird vines (disappointing — maybe 6 out of almost a hundred sprouted) in peat pellets, and some herbs in the plastic trays. The herbs will stay inside, at least the peppermint will. The thyme may get moved in the spring. We’ll see.
About 6-8 weeks ago I started on the yard. The first step was putting a flowerbed in the front yard. After that I ordered 8 little masja purple hydrangeas and potted them, putting them on the front porch to grow. Also started other plants in peat pots and seedling trays. About three weeks ago I moved half the moonflower and morning glory vines that were in peat pots to the front yard, extending the flower bed which was there. A couple weeks ago I planted the 5 2-year-old hydrangeas in the ground — three in the front yard (to the right of the gate) and 2 in the back yard in the far back corner.
So, it’s been about 6 weeks since the first set of hydrangeas arrived, and they are all growing so much. I figured I’d take some photos to show various plant progress, and show off the new additions. By far the largest change is in the bottlebrush plant thingy in the front yard. It has grown TREMENDOUSLY… and the fig tree is showing awesome foliage 🙂 Below are photos. If you want to see the starting point, I have it available here — it’s a good place to compare the current photos to those from early September 🙂
The new back yard 2-year-old hydrangeas
Nikko Blue:
Madame Emile Mouillere:
The new front yard 2-year-old hydrangeas:
Oregon Pride:
All Summer Beauty:
The potted Masjas:
The new moonflower vines:
Some have already found their way onto the chicken wire!
Citrus trees in the back yard:
Meyer lemon (showing a few fruits… next to the lens cap to give you an idea of size):
The limequat and its upcoming bounty of new fruits (this will be round three):
The satsuma (orange) and its handful-sized fruit (should be ripe in November, I think):
Happy vinca blooms:
Plenty of other photos, if you want to take a look here.