It happened overnight, literally. Joey and I were up talking in bed Saturday morning and heard Ivy’s usual rustle, jabber and clapping from the other room. I looked over and she was STANDING UP in her pack-n-play. This happened unassisted. Now, she’s been standing up for awhile, but I had never seen her get up on her own.
Ohmygosh. It’s over, now. She is pulling up on EVERYTHING. And to think, last weekend, the thought crossed my mind that “Ivy doesn’t seem to have anything to pull up on. The couch isn’t a good height, and the babyprison walls aren’t sturdy enough.” WRONG!
It’s cute, though. I was fixing dinner, and she crawled straight to the baby gate blocking her out of the kitchen area, and stood up. She hung on and talked to me over the gate for at least 15 minutes, while I puttered around. Her mouth is just a little bit lower than the top of the gate, so she’d get up on tiptoes and gum it, or just start jabbering: “dadadadadDA a-buh OWWWW duhduhduhduh baaaa!”
And her new word is “ow!” – learned that from me after she started becoming Miss Grabbyhands. She will repeat it almost on command now, and it is soooo cute. So, we have entered the land of cruising. Could walking by her first birthday be in the cards? Maybe. So far, neither of us has seen her fall after she pulls herself up. We’ve seen her sit herself down, and her balance is definitely improved, so… it could happen!