I should have posted about this when it happened (last Tuesday), but eh, at least I’m getting this in within a week 🙂
So lately it looks like I’ve swallowed a basketball, when I lie down. Very round, very firm. And now, very active! The kicking I have been feeling on the inside is now pretty clearly visible on the outside, when looking at my belly. So, I figured it was time for Joey to see if he could feel it. I stretched out semi-supine on the chaise, and we watched TV with his hand resting on my belly. After about 10 minutes I could feel the movement stirring inside and within a few moments *bump* – he felt it.
Now granted, he said it felt like that was ME moving, but I assured him that it was the baby… I was being very careful to breathe slow and even and steady. So, our daughter’s first contact with the totally-outside world 🙂 Yay!