I think Ivy is getting the concept of “this thing belongs HERE.”
She has been pulling my glasses off my face for as long as she’s been coordinated enough to grab them. A few days ago, though, I noticed that after she played with them, rather than tossing them aside or me taking them away, she pushed them back towards my eyes — as if to say “here, let’s put these back on.” I was astonished, so I unfolded the arms and put them on (lenses all smeared with baby fingerprints) and she did not try to pull them off again (which was also different behavior).
She has done this now each time since then, when pulling them off me.
Today we were sitting on the bed playing and I showed her the open puffs container, and she stuck her hand in to get some (which is also kinda new… normally she’d tilt the edge of the container up and try to “drink” some puffs, hehe). She then noticed the lid and grabbed it. That’s not anything unusual, as she likes playing with lids. She folded it up, chewed on it and banged it against the container as usual, but then stopped and was very deliberately trying to put it back on the container. I took it from her and handed it to her again, and she did the same.
This struck me as so cool!!
I’m thinking she may be ready for those games which have different pieces to put in different-shaped holes 🙂
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