In Arkansas, Grandma Shirley bought Ivy a doll for her birthday. But Ivy is in Houston! So Grandma bought her the doll a ticket to fly to Houston and to be with Ivy forevermore. This is her journey…
Ivy’s First Doll. She doesn’t have a name yet because she’s… well,… a doll. But she is looking forward to meeting her new best friend in Houston. I know because she told me so.
She had a little bit of a wait at the airport in Little Rock. Thankfully, Joey had some good books with him to read.
Finally, the plane was ready to take off, so she and Joey headed over to the gate to get on board… Yay, flying is exciting!
There were lots of people on the plane, and a woman even told Joey that his baby was cute!
So with one last look out the plane window, she said goodbye to Arkansas, and flew away to her brand new life.
After a long, but fun day of travelling, Ivy and her new doll finally meet face to face!
There were a few moments of just checking each other out…
Ivy flashed a big bright smile very quickly and let everyone know she likes her new doll!
Here are some video clips of their first meeting:
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