On to the next stage.
After Holly drew up the initial plans and bought the tools and gravel and such, I set out digging a ditch and putting in the layer of blocks. It was not easy. My friend Raul came over to help with laying out the parameters and foundation. It took some tweaking and more tweaking, then more tweaking until finally it seemed level all around.
Then came the dirt! A dump truck dumped it, and I started shoveling. Raul got offended because I stopped him from making a critical mistake, so he refused to help anymore. So I asked Arturo to come help. He did a great job and it was kind of fun shoveling dirt and shoveling bulls*** at the same time.
We topped off the dirt with a layer of sand and started putting down pavers…
And this is what it looks like as of today. We can actually sit on it!
It’s not done yet, but altogether this entire project of building an Arbor and two levels of patio is about 85% done. 🙂
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