School finally came to an end and Ivy completed 3rd grade successfully. Grade average? I think a B. She did well okay in ever category, but excelled in mathematics. She showed signs of being an artist as well. Didn’t do so great in Spanish reading, but she didn’t fail either. I think she just didn’t have any real motivation to get better at speaking Spanish because all of her friends and family speak English. But, she has two more years to go at this Spanish-language school, so maybe she’ll get better.
Otherwise, she was ready for school to end. Mr. Tomaz was her first male teacher and a bit more of a task master than she had experienced before. He sent homework home with her EVERY night! Even I got a little frustrated with the amount of homework. She was definitely sick of it by the end of school. The past few months we had to endure lots of complaining and resistance to doing homework each night. But she did and passed 3rd grade with a B average. Excellent!
- Mr. Tomaz
- Math class
- Girls from class
Usually, on the first week of no school we’d send Ivy to a day camp at the Museum of Natural Science. But this year she just didn’t want to go, and we didn’t want to spend the extra $200. So we had a week to piddle around and kill time. What to do? Let’s go to the Art Museum! Ivy has shown an interest and aptitude in art, so I thought maybe exposure to fine art would be a good thing. I quickly learned she is not quite ready for that yet. The only thing she noticed was all the BOOBIES! Boobs and naked people everywhere in the museum. She could see their boy parts and girl parts. Ewwww!
- Miller Outdoor Theater music history
- Statue kickin’ Ivy’s butt
- Dancing with a statue
- Outside of the Museum
- Panoramic shot inside Museum
- She’s not quite getting it
- Strolling thru the museum
- Boobies!
- Me pretending to contemplate this work of art. Really just sitting down.
- Deep contemplation of this work art.
- We both noticed the little teddy bears in his eyes
- More exposed boobies!
- Boobies! She’s naked!
- Naked babies!
- Ivy called this, “Selfie with Grapes”. LOL
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